I know that most people who read this will look at that title and assume I am on some kind of mind altering drug, because lord knows no one gets enough sleep these days.
Lyric, however, seems to have adopted this stance as of late. I've been chatting with other moms and doing lots of googling to try to pinpoint what could be going on. It's foreign territory for us because we have been spoiled with a baby that, for the most part, slept from 7:30pm - 7am since she was a few weeks old. Theories range from separation anxiety to 8 month sleep regression to teething. Signs are pointing to the 3rd one, as I poked around at her gums last night (much to her dismay) and felt what *might* be the corner of a tooth coming through. I guess we will find out for sure in a few weeks.
Though I know that this, too, shall pass - it's hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel in my sleep deprived haze. She's really not even that bad until the early hours of the morning (4am and up). The bigger problem we seem to be running into is she can be out cold, but as soon as we put her down in her crib and start to leave the room - she starts to cry again (hence the separation anxiety thoughts).
Just one more thing to add to the list of things to get through, I guess. I wish I had the ability to blog while comforting though, because I get some excellent ideas in the wee hours that I can't remember for the life of me when I get around to typing them out. Murphy's Law, right?
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